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Grilled Chicken Kale Salad with Caesar Dressing


This delicious salad features Trader Joe’s Vegan Caesar Salad Dressing, which you’ll find in the refrigerated produce section near the lettuce. It’s made from a mix of plant-based ingredients, including tofu, capers, mustard, and miso that create a creamy, peppery and deliciously satisfying dressing!

Instead of a classic Caesar Salad, we’re using this dressing on a bed of baby kale & veggies for extra nutrition. You can easily make this satisfying meal in less than ten minutes!



See us make this recipe!

  • Check out our YouTube video to see how quick & easy this recipe is to make. (And be sure to hit the Subscribe button for more recipe videos, meal ideas, and Trader Joe's product recommendations!)




Makes 2 servings
All ingredients purchased @ Trader Joe's



  • 1 bag Mixed Baby Kale
  • 1 cup sugar plum tomatoes, halved
  • 2 Persian cucumbers, sliced
  • ½ pack (6 oz.) grilled chicken strips, diced
  • ½ cup Vegan Caesar Dressing
  • ¼ cup Parmesan cheese



  1. Open the bag of Mixed Baby Kale and pour into a colander. Discard any bad leaves and then pour the remaining leaves into a medium salad bowl.
  2. Add the tomatoes, cucumbers, chicken, and dressing.*
  3. Toss well and divide into two equal portions.
  4. Top each portion with two tablespoons of cheese. Enjoy!
  • *If cooking for one: We like the “cook once, eat twice” method! To save one portion for tomorrow, divide the salad in half before adding the dressing. Place tomorrow’s portion in an airtight container and store in the fridge. When ready to eat, add half the dressing plus two tablespoons of cheese.




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